Fistula an abnormal connection between two parts of body, such as blood vessel or an organ. Fistulas are usually the result of an injury or surgery. Infection or Inflammation can also cause a fistula to form. In Women it is caused when women faces obstructed labor during delivery. Due to obstructed labor, the pressure of the baby’s head against the Women’s pelvis can cause tissue damage and Women passes uncontrollably urine, stool or blood.
It is most common in rural areas of Pakistan especially in Baluchistan and KPK where Women give birth at home or even attended by mid-wives and lacking antenatal care, leaving Women in miserable condition.

Between 4,000-5,000 Pakistani women suffers from Fistula every year, they suffer both medical and social consequences. Women suffering from Fistula disease are not allowed to stay at home, they are considered as offender hence imprisonment in dark rooms and turned to death.
• Pain in Pelvis and bleeding continuously
• Constipation
• Burning and itching in stool leakage
• High fever
• Eat fiber rich food
• Exert less pressure during passing excretion
• Drink plenty of Water
• Take proper antenatal care
• Fistula is treated by giving remedies (which soften stool)
• Local pain relief creams should given by Doctors
• Extreme Fistula can be treated by surgery
In Pakistan, there is only one treatment house “Koohi Goth Hospital, Karachi” in which two Fistula experts Dr. Sher Shah Syed and Dr. Saboohi Mehdi attends these cases of Fitsula with the help of International funds.
There is need to draw attention in rural areas of Pakistan from the initial stages of Fistula. Treatment is also compulsory for those Women who face this painful disease. There is also a need to provide awareness programs especially in rural areas or documentaries should be made on basic health and mother care to stop this pitiful condition.

By: Saima Waheed